JCEP Associations


The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals  is a national association for Cooperative Extension Service (CES) professionals working in environmental education, fisheries, forestry, wood sciences, range, recreation, waste management, water, wildlife, energy and related disciplines. Members are active and retired CES employees at the county, area, state, or national level. 



The mission of Epsilon Sigma Phi is to foster standards of excellence in the Extension System and to develop the Extension profession and professional.  



The mission of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, an organization of professional extension educators, is to further the professional improvement of its members, communication and cooperation among all extension educators and provide for enhancement of the image of extension and the development of personal growth opportunities for extension professionals. 



National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals is an organization dedicated to improving the visibility, coordination, professional status and resource base of community and economic development Extension programs and professionals. 



The National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals is an inclusive, diverse organization engaging youth development professionals by: providing cutting edge professional development through a variety of delivery methods; encouraging leadership development and mentoring across generations; cultivating networking to strengthen positive youth development programming globally; and integrating scholarship, research, and practice



The National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals provides an organized forum for advancing the continuous improvement of Extension professionals working in the areas of program, staff, and organizational development and the improvement of the Extension system as a whole through: discussing developing, sponsoring, and promoting educational training programs and activities that advance sound program, staff, and organizational development; improving communication and collaboration by discussing issues, needs and opportunities of mutual interest; developing and sharing resources; advocating for the profession by promoting its importance within the land grant system; and enhancing multi-state efforts.



The National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is the professional organization for Extension Family and Consumer Sciences that builds leaders for the future; provides innovative professional growth and development opportunities; recognizes and promotes excellence and scholarship in programming; serves members as a nation-wide resource for education, information, networking, and building partnerships; promotes the profession and the mission and goals of the Land Grant University Extension System.
